Job Opportunities – Required Notices


Federal Required Notices:

Notice Document Download Video Date Uploaded
EEOC Know Your Rights Poster Download 2023-02-22
Family and Medical Leave Act Notice Poster Download 2023-02-22
Federal and NY State Required Notices 2023-02-21
Port Liberty USA Safety Policy Download 2024-04-17
Your Rights Under USERRA Download 2023-02-22
Port Liberty New York Notice Longshore and Harbor Worker’s Compensation Act Download 2023-02-22

New York State Required Notices:

Notice Document Download Video Date Uploaded
Arch Required Posting Download 2023-02-22
Federal and NY State Required Notices 2023-02-21
Port Liberty NY LLC Arch Notice of Compliance Download 2024-04-17
Port Liberty New York LLC Arch Notice of Compliance PFL Download 2024-04-18
Port Liberty New York LLC Management Notice of Compliance Download 2023-10-13
Port Liberty NY LLC Shelterpoint Notice of Compliance Download 2024-04-17
Port Liberty New York Notice to Employees of Electronic Monitoring Download 2023-08-08
New York State Whistleblower Law Notice Download 2023-02-22
New York Covid 19 Sick Leave Information Download 2023-02-22
New York Hero Act (Training) Watch Video 2023-02-21
New York Paid Family Leave Employee Facts Sheet Download 2023-02-22
New York Public Safety and Health Right to Know Notice Download 2023-02-22
New York City Paid Sick Leave Notice Download 2023-02-22
New York State Blood Donation Leave Notice Download 2023-02-22
New York State Election Law Notice Download 2023-02-22
New York State Guidelines Regarding Rights for Nursing mothers Download 2023-02-22
New York State Paid Family Leave Notice Download 2023-02-22
Port Liberty HERO Plan Download 2024-03-25
ShelterPoint Paid Family Leave Brochure Download 2023-02-22
Port Liberty Anonymous Hotline Download 2023-10-11